Amanda Parry


I am so excited you’re here and taking this next step to transition into a more balanced, healthy version of yourself!

After submitting your application, I will reach out to you to see if we are a good fit. From there, we will have a 30-minute call to come up with an action plan to allow you to reach your goals. I’ll share with you some next steps to take to best support your health efforts and suggest a solution that is ideal for you. That might be working with me one-on-one, in one of my programs or with another practitioner.

By the end of the call, you’ll know what your next step should be!

These are big changes we’ll be working on, and you need to be ready to commit to a longer term partnership to get the results you’re looking for. I would love to be your guide on your journey to better health!

Thanks for filling out the application and I’ll be in touch soon!

- Amanda

Please note: I cannot answer personal health questions via email for anyone other than my active clients. I give a lot of time and energy into this work, but if you’re ready for a mind body transformation, let’s work together!